Stimulate your body’s natural healing response through the nervous system. Fine needles are inserted into specific anatomical landmarks. When stimulated, these points help improve major organ functions, returning your body to a balanced state! Acupuncture can help with a variety of conditions including, not limited to : Pain, Digestive Disorders, Menstrual Irregularities, Skin Disorders, Insomnia , Anxiety, Addictions, Sinus Congestion, Migraines, Fertility and more!
Facial Acupuncture
$130 (1.15 hr)
Facial Acupuncture signals collagen, elastin, and microcirculations to the area leaving you with healthier, firmer and glowing skin.
It can help with wrinkles, fine lines, puffiness, acne, hyperpigmentation, scaring, sagging skin, rocacea and dark circles just to name a few!
Treatment is contraindicated for pregnancy and high blood pressure. This treatment can not be done within 4 weeks of past botox injections or facial fillers.